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Cindy Nyquist, RN, MSN

Cindy Nyquist, RN, MSN

Cindy Nyquist, RN, MSN

President and Founder

Cindy's story begins as one of loss. By the time she was 20 years old, Cindy had already experienced the agonizing deaths of her mother, and some years later, her step-mother. As was the normal practice at that time, they each spent their last days dying alone in the hospital. Cindy knew that there had to be a better way to care for people with terminal diagnoses, and she was determined to find that better way.

After several years of correspondence with Cicely Saunders, the Founder of the Modern Day Hospice movement in England, Cindy introduced the Philosophy of Hospice to the Upper Peninsula in 1973. Cindy recognized that this philosophy was desperately needed in the U.S. to provide the necessary care to patients and their families diagnosed with a Life-Limiting Disease. Hospice care became a Life-Long Vocation for Cindy and she has inspired many to join this worthy goal.

After establishing the current day U.P. Hospice in 1973, she also established Lake Superior Hospice in 1979. Cindy is currently only associated with the U.P. Hospice and has continued to improve on this program over the years by adding many integral programs such as Palliative Care, Skilled Home Health Care, and Private Duty Services.

Cindy continues to be a local, regional, and national expert and presenter regarding Hospice and Palliative Care. You will still find her meeting personally with families when they are making the decision about whether Hospice and Palliative care is the best choice for them. She regularly shares, with anyone who will listen, that Hospice is about LIVING and PEP

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