Most Hospice organizations depend on generous donations of time, money and compassionate care. During our four decades of service, we have benefited from countless hours of volunteer service and contributions of financial support, unused medical supplies, and equipment. What makes our non-profit foundation unique, however, is that 100% of all donated monies go directly back to Hospice patients and their families. No donated funds ever go towards operating costs or overhead. Our Board of Directors (described below) are the wonderful people responsible for overseeing the U.P. Hospice Foundation and the dispersal of donated funds to Hospice patients. Their mission is to support the Living Philosophy of our Hospice. The Make-a-Memory Program is one of the ways this is accomplished.
Click Here to read some of the beautiful examples of the Make-A-Memory program.

Cindy Nyquist, RN
Cindy is the Founder of the non-profit U.P. Hospice Foundation; and U.P. Home Health & Hospice. Cindy introduced the Philosophy of Hospice to the Upper Peninsula in 1973. Cindy recognized that this philosophy was desperately needed to provide the necessary care to individuals and their families diagnosed with a Life-Limiting Diagnosis. Hospice care became a life-long vocation for Cindy and she has inspired many to join this worthy goal. Cindy continues to be a local, regional, and national expert and presenter regarding Hospice and Palliative Care. You may still find her meeting personally with families when they are making the decision about whether Hospice and Palliative care is the best choice for them. She regularly shares, with anyone who will listen, that Hospice is about LIVING and

Dave Aro
Dave has been the Executive Director of the UP Hospice Foundation since April of 2013 in a volunteer capacity. Dave began his work career in 1990 with UP Home Health & Hospice after graduating from Michigan Tech University, and worked into the CEO position with Professional Rehabilitation Services & Management (an affiliate of UPHHH) following that position until 1998 when he began working with Bell Hospital. Dave worked up to be the Vice President of Operations at Bell Hospital, overseeing all rehabilitation services and physician clinics, along with the Bell Foundation and other areas until leaving in 2012. Dave and several partners started Superior Rehabilitation & Professional Services then Active Physical Therapy in Ishpeming and Negaunee, which has grown into a nearly 50 employee venture as of the end of 2015. Dave’s involvement in the community includes being the 2015-16 Leader of the Marquette County Ambassadors, Officer of the Lake Superior Community Partnership, Vice Chair of the Ishpeming DDA, and many years of involvement in Kiwanis.

Neal Crothers
Neal is a 1985 graduate of Northern Michigan University where he received his degree in Communications and Business. After living and working downstate, he and his wife Carolyn moved back to Marquette in 1990 where they raised their two children Maija and Mitchel. Neal retired after 22 years in the pharmaceutical industry and finishing his career, most recently, as the Executive Director at Brookridge Heights Assisted Living. Neal and Carolyn are both enjoying retirement. Neal is an active member at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Superiorland Kiwanis, and the U.P. Sports camp board. Neal and Carolyn both love to travel, volunteer time, and spend time with family.

Jeremy Hansen
Jeremy is a 1998 graduate of Wayne State University where he received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Mortuary Science, Summa Cum Laude. He is the owner of Fassbender-Swanson-Hansen Funeral Home & Cremation Services. Jeremy currently serves as the District 10 President for Michigan Funeral Directors Association. He is also a member of the Marquette General Hospital Pastoral Advisory Committee, Marquette Noon Kiwanis Club, Downtown Development Authority, Upper Peninsula Family Solutions. Hansen currently resides in Marquette.

Nheena Ittner
Nheena is a University of Michigan graduate and was an art teacher downstate and in Ishpeming for many years, as well as a practicing artist. Nheena has two children who both live in Detroit. Her oldest is a resident working in Family Care and her youngest is a Grant Writer for the Detroit Music Hall. Her significant other, Neil Cumberlidge is a biology professor at NMU. They reside on Lakewood Lane. She is the proud owner of the world’s cutest dog, Daisy, a 3 1/2 lb. Chihuahua / Yorkie mix.

Kent Jenema
Kent Graduated from Ferris State University in 1980 as a Registered Pharmacist. He moved to Marquette County from Marion Michigan in 1981 and has practiced pharmacy in Marquette County since. Kent purchased Peninsula Pharmacy in 1997 and is an active and involved pharmacy owner. His passion for pharmacy lies within the ability to care for individuals and be actively involved with hospice care. Kent is a member of the Michigan Pharmacy Association and National Community Pharmacy Association. He is an Avid outdoorsman and competitive mountain biker as well as Nordic Skier. He competes in many events throughout the year including Wisconsin Off Road Series mountain bike races, the Ore To Shore, the VASA ski race as well as the Noquemanon to name a few. Kent is one of only a small handful of people that have competed in every edition of the Ore-To-Shore mountain bike race.

Jackie Menhennick

Gary L. Walker
Gary received his Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan in 1971. His Bachelor of Arts degree (Cum Laude) is from Michigan State University in 1968. Mr. Walker served as the Prosecuting Attorney for Marquette County, Michigan from 1974 until his retirement in December 2011, having been elected nine times. He was a member of the Board of Directors and past President of the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan. He also served as chairperson of the Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council (PACC), a five member board that oversees the education and training of prosecutors in Michigan. Mr. Walker has testified in both Congress and the State Legislature on criminal justice issues and was a frequent presenter in state and national legal education conferences. Mr. Walker was recently successful in his campaign for Supervisor of Chocolay Township. In his spare time, Gary enjoys fly fishing and hunting.

Susan Wideman
Susan is the owner of the Wideman Law Center P.C., located in Marquette, Michigan. She began the process of building her elder law and disability rights practice in May of 2002, and currently serves over 2000 individuals and families throughout the Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan. Susan has served on the Boards of several senior-focused and state and community service organizations including the Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging State Advisory Council on Aging , Marquette County Commission on Aging, the Marquette/Alger Alzheimer’s Association Wraparound Program, Marquette Noon Rotary, the Negaunee Township Planning Commission, the Negaunee School Board, and the Negaunee Community Fund. Ms. Wideman Schaible is a frequent presenter on Ask The Lawyers and the Channel 6 Money Report. Her articles on Elder Law and Estate Planning issues have appeared in the Marquette Mining Journal, Marquette Monthly, and Mature Citizen. She is a member of the State Bar of Michigan, the Marquette County Bar Association, and the National Association of Elder Law Attorneys. Susan earned her law degree from The Thomas Cooley Law School, in Lansing, Michigan and her undergraduate degree in Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University, in Ithaca, N.Y. She and her family live in Negaunee Township, Michigan.

Melanie Bicigo
Melanie (Mel) was born and raised in Crystal Falls, Michigan and moved to Marquette, Michigan to attend Northern Michigan University where she graduated with a degree in Public Relations. After graduation, Mel began working at the Upper Peninsula Health Plan (UPHP) and has now been with UPHP for over 20 years. Mel currently serves the plan as Chief Operating Officer, her ninth position held within the company. She is a Resident Life and Health Producer in the State of Michigan, is Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC), is a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS), and a member of the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA). Melanie also serves on the Upper Peninsula Michigan Works Workforce Development Board and is a member of the Zonta Club of Marquette. Melanie resides in Marquette with her husband Adam, where they enjoy running, biking and the outdoors in general.

Kelly Jandron